New York Medicaid plan benefits
As an Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield HP Medicaid plan member in New York, you get many benefits with little to no costs or copays.
Who’s eligible for Medicaid in NY?
You or your child(ren) may be eligible for Medicaid through Anthem if you:

Medical care is just the beginning
With an Anthem Medicaid plan, you'll have access to a wide range of services including dental and vision care, family planning, childbirth education, and our Healthy Rewards program.
What you get with Anthem
Doctor visits
Dental checkups
Eye exams and glasses
Low-cost prescriptions
$0 - $3
Doctor visits
Dental checkups
Eye exams and glasses
Low-cost prescriptions
$0 - $3
Not yet a member? Choose Anthem.
We can help you apply. Call 844-430-1699 (TTY 711), or visit us in person. Find a Community Service Center near you.
Already a member? We’re glad you chose Anthem.
We want you to understand your benefits and receive the best possible care. Here are some resources to help.

The member handbook: Everything you need to know
Your member handbook is your go-to guide for health services. It contains complete benefit information about your plan. Read it to find out about:
Member Handbook - New York Medicaid (English) *
Member Handbook - New York Medicaid (Spanish) *
Duals HIDE Dental Benefits Handbook Insert (English)
Duals HIDE Dental Benefits Handbook Insert (Spanish)
* Anthem versions of materials will be coming soon.
Pharmacy Benefits Guide
Pharmacy and prescription benefits guide (English)