Empire is now Anthem

Never go it alone. That’s our Anthem.


Our Medicaid and low-cost insurance plans are made with New Yorkers in mind. No matter your age or health goals, we’re with you every step of the way.



Coverage for low-income adults, pregnant women, and children.


Essential Plan


Coverage for adults ages 19-64 who are not eligible for Medicaid.

Child Health Plus (CHPlus)


Coverage for children ages 0-18 who are not eligible for Medicaid.


Managed Long-Term Care (MLTC)


Coverage for adults age 18+ who need long-term care services.

Health and Recovery Plan (HARP)


Coverage for adults age 21+ who need extra behavioral healthcare. 


Medicaid Advantage Plus (MAP)


Coverage for adults age 18+ who are eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare and need long-term care services.

Didn’t find what you’re looking for?


Check out Anthem's Individual and Family plans 

New member?


Let’s get started with your health plan.


Visit our new member welcome page 

Updates and reminders

Get your no-cost flu shot

Child Health Plus and Essential Plan members: Give your health the best shot this flu season.


Find a pharmacy near you 

Local services, close to home

Get help finding food, jobs, housing, and other things you may need.


Find local support today 

The same great plan — in more counties than ever

Anthem now offers Essential Plan coverage in Delaware, Dutchess, Orange, Rockland, Suffolk, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester County. We also still offer Essential Plan coverage in the Bronx, Brooklyn (Kings), Manhattan (New York), Queens, Staten Island (Richmond), Nassau, and Putnam County. Call 844-430-1699 (TTY 711) to find out if you qualify.


Enroll with Anthem 

Thinking about pregnancy?

If you’re thinking about becoming a parent, we have resources available to help you every step of the way.


Find pregnancy info and support today 

Visit us in person

We’re happy to help you in person at one of our Community Service Centers.


Find a Community Service Center near you 

See a doctor with LiveHealth Online

Video chat with a doctor 24/7 from your smartphone, tablet, or computer at no cost to you.*


Start using LiveHealth Online today 


* Physical medicine only – behavioral health excluded.