New York CDPAS

Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Service (CDPAS) is a type of service that allows Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield HP MLTC and MAP plan members to select, train, and manage their own personal care assistant.

In-home assistance in NY at no cost


CDPAS services are voluntary and are provided through a vendor in the Anthem MLTC or MAP network

Choose your personal assistant

With CDPAS, you can choose your own personal assistant to have more control over your care. Your personal assistant can be anyone, including a family member, as long as they meet certain criteria. 

Your personal assistant can help you with:




 Meal preparation

 Going to the bathroom



You can also receive skilled services to help you with:

  Tube feeding

  Taking your medication

  Wound care

  Care to help you breathe



How CDPAS works


When you receive care through CDPAS, you or a person you choose is responsible for:


  Choosing, hiring, training, and managing your personal assistant. Managing your personal assistant includes scheduling time with and evaluating them.


  Making sure your personal assistant’s timesheet is correct and approving it.


 Changing your personal assistant (if you choose to).


The personal assistant you choose will need to register with one of the fiscal intermediaries (vendors) in the Anthem network. The fiscal intermediary will pay your personal assistant for the hours they work.

You may choose to stop receiving CDPAS and get personal care services through a Licensed Home Care Service Agency (LHCSA) in the Anthem MLTC network.

Interested in starting CDPAS?


First, see if you’re eligible.

To qualify for CDPAS, you must be able to::


  Be self-directing or have someone to make choices about your care.

  Interview, train, direct, and schedule appointments with your personal assistant and backup personal assistant. You’ll need backup personal assistant in case your personal assistant takes a day off.

  Track the time your personal assistant works

  Send timesheets to an Anthem fiscal intermediary (one of our vendors) so your personal assistant can get paid.

  Tell Anthem if your health condition changes.


If you’re eligible, call Member Services.

Just call Member Services at 855-661-0002 (TTY 711) and tell us you’re interested in CDPAS.

Learn about all MLTC benefits   

Not yet a member? Choose Anthem.

Call 855-800-4683 (TTY 711) to find out more about MLTC and how to enroll with Anthem. When it comes to living your best life, we’re with you every step of the way.