Drug List

The Prescription Drugs Your Anthem Blue Cross Plan Covers


Choose your state to search or download Anthem Blue Cross drug lists, including new or updated versions of the drug lists.


If your health plan is located in a state where you do not reside, choose the state of your health plan to access the correct drug list. For example, if you live in Colorado but your employer's health plan is with Blue Cross Blue Shield Indiana, you will choose Indiana to access the drug list for your plan.


If you are a member with Anthem's pharmacy coverage, log in and automatically connect to the current drug list that applies to your pharmacy benefits. If you're not sure whether which list applies to your plan, check with your employer, or call the Pharmacy Member Services number printed on your ID card.

Drug Lists

The Prescription Drug Your Plan Covers


Get access to up-to-date Anthem Pharmacy coverage for your drug list. Our drug lists include details about brands and generics, dosage/strength options, and information about prior authorization of your drug.

How We Choose The Drugs On These Lists


An independent group of practicing doctors, pharmacists and other health-care professionals meet regularly to review new and existing drugs.


The medications on your drug list are chosen based on a number of factors including how well they work, value to patients and safety. All drugs on these lists are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


 Check out a summary of our latest drug list changes

Essential Drug List


The Essential drug list is for members who receive a health insurance plan from an employer.


Members, contact your employer or the Pharmacy Member Services number on your ID card if you need assistance in identifying your plan.

National Drug List


The National drug list is for members who receive a health insurance plan from an employer, if they have certain grandfathered plans, or in some cases if coverage is through a Small Group employer.


Members, contact your employer or the Pharmacy Member Services number on your ID card if you need assistance in identifying your plan.

National Direct Drug List


The National Direct drug list is for members who receive a health insurance plan from an employer.


Members, contact your employer or the Pharmacy Member Services number on your ID card if you need assistance in identifying your plan.

National Direct Plus Drug List


The National Direct drug list is for members who receive a health insurance plan from an employer.


Members, contact your employer or the Pharmacy Member Services number on your ID card if you need assistance in identifying your plan.

Select Drug List


The Anthem Blue Cross Select Drug List applies to Individual plans if you purchased a plan on state or federal Health Insurance Marketplace (also known as the exchange) or if you purchased coverage off the exchange and not through your employer.


New York members, contact your employer or the Pharmacy Member Services number on your ID card if you need assistance in identifying your plan.

Traditional Open Drug List


The Traditional Open drug list is for members who receive a health insurance plan from an employer, if they have certain grandfathered plans, or in some cases if coverage is through a Small Group employer.


Members, contact your employer or the Pharmacy Member Services number on your ID card if you need assistance in identifying your plan.

Benefit and Program Drug Lists


PreventiveRx Drug Lists


These lists apply to members who’s plan includes the PreventiveRx benefit. This benefit includes members receiving certain preventive drugs at low or no cost.


Members, contact your employer or the Pharmacy Member Services number on your ID card if you need assistance in identifying your plan.

Essential Plan PreventiveRx Drug Lists


If you have the Anthem Blue Cross Essential formulary/drug list, this PreventiveRx drug list may also apply to you.


National Plan PreventiveRx Drug Lists


If you have the Anthem Blue Cross National formulary/drug list, one of these PreventiveRx drug lists may also apply to you.


National Direct Plan PreventiveRx Drug Lists


If you have the Anthem Blue Cross National Direct formulary/drug list, one of these PreventiveRx drug lists may also apply to you.


National Direct Plus Plan PreventiveRx Drug Lists


If you have the Anthem Blue Cross National Direct Plus formulary/drug list, one of these PreventiveRx drug lists may also apply to you.


Select Plan PreventiveRx Drug Lists


If you use the Select formulary/drug list for Anthem Blue Cross PreventiveRx Plus and 2016 Legacy PreventiveRx Plus, this PreventiveRx Plus drug list may apply to you.


Traditional Open Plan PreventiveRx Drug Lists


If you use the Anthem Blue Cross Traditional Open formulary/drug list, one of these PreventiveRx drug lists may apply to you.


CarelonRx Specialty Pharmacy Exclusive Drug List


The Anthem Blue Cross Exclusive Specialty Drug List includes the specialty drugs that must be filled through a participating specialty pharmacy in order for coverage to be provided. This list only applies if you have a specialty pharmacy network included in your benefit.


 CarelonRx Specialty Pharmacy Exclusive Drug List

BioPlus Exclusive Specialty Drug List


This list includes the specialty drugs that must be filled through a participating specialty pharmacy in order for coverage to be provided. This list only applies if you have a specialty pharmacy network included in your benefit.


 BioPlus Exclusive Specialty Drug List

Medical Specialty Pharmacy Drug List


The Anthem Blue Cross Medical Specialty Pharmacy Drug List of specialty medications are not covered under the pharmacy or medical benefit for certain groups.


 New York specialty drugs not covered under the pharmacy benefit


 New York specialty drugs not covered under the medical benefit

Home Delivery and Rx Maintenance 90 Drug Lists


These lists are for members who refill prescriptions through home delivery or at a Rx Maintenance 90 pharmacy. Typically this is for maintenance drugs used to treat long-term conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes.


Find an Rx Maintenance 90 pharmacy to obtain up to a 90-day supply of your medicine through on of our Rx Networks.


 New York Home Delivery and Rx Maintenance 90 Drug List


 Home Delivery and Rx Maintenance 90 Drug List (Español)

Designated Medical Specialty Pharmacy Drug List


 New York Designated Medical Specialty Pharmacy Drug List