Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Anthem has a strategic relationship with Availity to serve as our Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) partner for all electronic data and transactions. Health care professionals, billing services and clearinghouses who are new to the EDI space can register to exchange 27x self-service and 837 claims electronic transactions with Anthem in Availity.

Don't have an Availity account? You can register here.

Who is Availity?



You may know Availity as a web portal or claims clearinghouse, but they are much more. Availity is also an intelligent EDI Gateway for multiple payers, and will be the single EDI connection for Anthem and its affiliates.


Your organization can submit and receive the following transactions through Availity's EDI Gateway:

 837 - Institutional Claims

 837 - Professional Claims

 837 - Dental Claims

 835 - Electronic Remittance Advice

 275 - Electronic Medical Attachments

 276/277 - Claim Status

 278 - Authorizations/Referrals

 270/271 - Eligibility Request

Please note: All trading partners must use the Availity EDI Gateway to submit Anthem EDI transactions. The EDI gateway migration does not impact participation status with Anthem or how Anthem adjudicates claims.

Getting Started with Availity


Availity setup is easy! Get directions and information you need to start exchanging direct EDI transmissions on the Availity EDI Gateway.



For questions, call Availity Client Services at 1-800-Availity (1-800-282-4548). Availity Client Services is available Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. ET.

Companion Guide


The companion guide provides supplemental instructions for EDI transmissions specific to Anthem. All new submitters will use the Availity EDI Gateway for their Anthem EDI transactions.

EDI Resources

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Ready to become a provider in the Anthem network?

We look forward to working with you to provide quality service for our members.


Payments for services from a non-participating provider are generally sent to the member, except where federal or state mandates apply, or negotiated agreements are in place.

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