Select your program type
Please select the option that best describes the member you are serving based on the type of program they are enrolled in.
State programs
Medicaid eligibility and benefits vary by state and are reserved for individuals and families that qualify as low-income households or have limited resources.
If you are a provider serving members enrolled in state programs like Medicaid, please select the state link to access the tools and resources to best serve our members.
Commercial-partnered programs
We partner with New York to help you work with your patients in Commercial, Individual, or Employer-provided plans. Access forms, resources, and guides available on our commercial site to help provide quality services to our members. Medicare services are available for those 65 and older, younger people with certain disabilities or debilitating conditions, and those with end-stage renal disease.
If you are a provider serving members enrolled in commercial-partnered programs or the federal program Medicare, please select the commercial provider link to access the tools and resources to best serve our members.
Availity access
The Availity website offers healthcare professionals free access to real-time information and instant responses in a consistent format, regardless of the payer.
With Availity, you can:
Request authorizations
Submit claims
Confirm eligibility