Anthem Blue Cross

Welcome, The Empire Plan Members!


The Empire Plan Hospital Program

The Empire Plan Hospital Program, administered by Anthem Blue Cross, provides coverage for inpatient and outpatient services provided by a hospital or skilled nursing facility and hospice care. It also includes the Center of Excellence for Transplants Program, provides inpatient Benefits Management Program services, including preadmission certification of hospital admissions and admission or transfer to a skilled nursing facility, concurrent reviews, discharge planning, inpatient medical case management and the Building Healthy Families Program.


You can update or verify your Coordination of benefits here.


To access LiveHealth Online click here.


Learn more about our Sydney Health App by clicking here.

Medical/Surgical Benefits

Knowing the essentials will help you choose the health insurance plan that's right for you or your family.



Hospital Benefits

Please call Member Services at 1-877-7-NYSHIP (1-877-769-7447), Option 2, Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern. Chat is available through the website and Sydney app through 8:00pm Eastern.

Pharmacy Benefits

If you are Medicare-primary and currently enrolled in The Empire Plan, or will soon become Medicare-primary with Empire Plan coverage, visit Silverscript for information concerning your prescription benefits.

Mental Health & Substance Use Benefits

When life changes, your health insurance should keep pace. Open enrollment is the ideal time to make changes to your health insurance plan.